Hello Greenville! I'm a portrait and family photographer in Simpsonville, SC who used to be a wedding photographer (like 10+ years ago in Boone, NC, and Charlotte, NC). I love weddings but I love the one on one aspect of luxury portraits more.
However, there is this new trend for weddings that I want to start offering clients (see this Tiktok)
Basically, instead of offering the typical wedding coverage, it's Wedding Day Guest Portraits! These are luxury portraits available to not only the Bride and Groom but to the guests as well. A portable backdrop and lighting are set up at your reception, and I spend about 5 minutes with each guest, or couple, capturing their portrait. These are all then edited with my signature style and uploaded to a gallery where they can download their image from that day. This isn't regular wedding day coverage (it's a great addition) and is very reminiscent of the Vanity Fair Oscars portraits, not the goofy photo booth images that have been a trend in years past. Your guests will end up with a beautifully captured portrait that they will enjoy for years.
Since I haven't done weddings in a while and therefore don't have many examples to share, I am currently offering a 50% discount (on the service itself) to the first couple to book this specific service who also allows me to use the images as promotions on my socials. For more info, fill out this FORM and be sure to mention that you heard about this from my web page, the size of your guest list, how many hours your reception is, and any other important information so I can get you an accurate quote.
You can see my portrait work on my Instagram
#yeahthatgreenville #Greenvillephotographer #GreenvilleWeddingPhotographer #SouthCarolinaWeddingPhotographer #SCPortraitPhotographer #LuxuryPhotography #HeirloomPhotography
Preparing for your Session
Written By Tara Jackson
Tips and Tricks from a Pro:
• Consider getting a salon manicure and pedicure the day before
• We recommend getting a cut & color and getting your eyebrows shaped about a week before your session 
• If you wax, make sure to do so a few days prior to the shoot to avoid redness and bumps
• Use clear deodorant & moisturize your body before your session.
• Don’t forget to eat something and drink lots of water the day before.
• A good night’s sleep will ensure you are refreshed for your photoshoot.
• Go shopping and plan around what makes you feel beautiful/sexy/empowered - from that power suit, to the tiniest piece of lingerie to that oversized shirt of his that may as well be yours now
• Spray Tans can be risky (hello unexpected streaky orangey-ness) - but if you're a seasoned tanner, be sure to have your session a few days ahead of time
• Remove tags and labels from your clothing and lingerie 
• Wear Loose fitting clothing to the session. No matter your body type - clothing can leave those judgmental little red marks that we don't want to show up in your images. (General retouching is included - however detailed work like that is an add on.)
• Book a reservation somewhere nice for the evening of your shoot. You’re going to look killer and feel amazing!

Remember, we do have some fun accessories that you are welcome to include in your session
LINGERIE (if you’re doing a sexy shoot)
• Consider matching bra and panty sets, corsets, slips, and even button-down men’s shirts 
• Don’t forget hosiery and heels if they fit your goal look. 
• Consider bringing a range of colors.... or just black. Whatever makes YOU shine. 
• Make sure everything you bring makes you feel sexy. It will show!
• Make sure your heels have clean soles, they may be seen in your images 
• You may want to bring both black and nude heels to match different outfits 
• If this is a bridal boudoir, make sure to bring your wedding shoes!
• Only think about Jewelry IF you like to wear it - we're not requiring you to be someone you're not. So just be AUTHENTICALLY YOU.
• Pearls are a fantastic, classic choice for any boudoir session, but we also love chunky necklaces, cuff bracelets, and drop earrings! (ps. we have a fun client stash as well.)
Is there anything more beautiful than a woman carrying life?
I remember the first maternity session I shot - YEARS ago. Literally, I was still in college, 26ish years old (I started college late - long story) - and one of my closest friends in Boone was pregnant. I had shot a handful of portrait sessions, one for Miss NC, another for an actor's headshot update... and she asked me to photograph her maternity session. We wandered around downtown Blowing Rock with her now husband and we got some amazing images. Even looking back at my original work now, much of it was overexposed and out of focus - that session was one I would still be proud to share today. Basically, there was something beautiful captured that morning that can't be put into words. It wasn't until a year later when I was pregnant with my son that I really experienced what was so beautiful about a pregnant woman. Unless you've been through it personally, well... you know a pregnant woman is ethereal somehow, and you see her glow, but its difficult to really explain in earthly terms.
When I moved to Greenville, SC earlier this year, I opened my studio with the intention of being a studio/boudoir photographer. I had been shooting products in the studio for YEARS. It was my career. It is what I am good at. Alyssa told me that she wanted me to photograph her maternity session... she's the daughter of a good friend of mine, and wanted to come down from Charlotte to have her session. And she wanted to have her session outside... in natural light. In NATURE. In the totally uncontrollable wild. I mean - it makes PERFECT sense. Pregnancy is PRIMAL. It encompasses all that we are and our connection to the earth.
And I was nervous... because while I am a studio photographer and I KNOW how to control light - I am also one where, if I am shooting a portrait session outside - I am going to shoot it IN nature. Meaning it's highly unlikely that I will bring strobes with me to the session. I am going to use what nature provides and work with it the best that I can. Some photographers may poo-poo that idea. I mean, my JOB is to know, control and capture light. Why would I leave it up to chance? Well, there is a little part of me that is still a Journalist. I LOVE to photograph and record what is REAL. When I shot weddings ages ago, I did the same thing. My style was journalistic - I always told my brides that I was there to capture their day - not there to take them away from their day to pose and manipulate.

It's like I am two different photographers - in studio, I will manipulate the heck out of you. I will tell you how to pose and what to do... but when I have a natural light session - I want YOU to be YOU. Because you are the only one who can be you and that's what makes you absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
We did end up starting our session in my studio and getting some beautifully manicured shots... But when we got to Conestee Nature Preserve, Alyssa began to shine. I asked her to play and twirl in the sunshine. And she obliged. And she shone so bright... and her son, who had been sitting uncomfortably on her hips for a while, lifted and she was suddenly comfortable again.
I swear, if you are stressed or uncomfortable anywhere in life - GO OUTSIDE and MOVE.
Okay, this blog post went somewhere I completely didn't intend for it to, but that's life - that real... and I want to get back to more natural light sessions here in the Upstate. Where is your favorite spot in nature?
Oh, sweet, sweet Caramel....
You are a perfect fall flavor that's right up there with Pecans and Pumpkin Pie. Pair you with a warm cup of tea and a sliced green apple and you bring all the senses into that which is cooler weather and shorter days.

To be honest, I actually didn't intend to shoot this Smuckers Caramel - I bought it as a prop for my apple shoot in this personal food series that I am doing. I wasn't even going to tag a brand at all because it was going to be about the green apples 🍏 - but as I was setting up, waiting for my assistant to finish trying on his Halloween costume (my assistant for this series is my 9-year-old son if you didn't see that from my last post), I placed this jar of caramel in the scene to start getting the lighting right - and well... it ended up being THE shot.

While I know a LOT of photographers who plan and design and work on mock-ups for hours and hours - perfecting an idea before even beginning the shoot, most of my favorite images come from being IN the moment and just allowing it to organically develop.

Also, this is a composite since when I was scooping the caramel, the jar shifted and the product's label wasn't rotated quite right for the scene. It never ceases to amaze me how many imperfections are visible when you bring an image into Photoshop that were not noticeable in real life. Remember that - the camera sees things that are not apparent in real life, and we should stop judging ourselves so harshly - and stop thinking the perfection we see in the ad world is real life.

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Heirloom Tomatoes, Garlic and Happy Feelings
As I sit here, editing and enjoying these Organic Heirloom Tomatoes with pink salt, I think, "Well, damn... I am really enjoying doing this food photography thing." I have been eager to focus on portrait work and what began as a personal project to fill some downtime (I am ALWAYS looking to expand my skill set), is turning out to be truly enjoyable for me.

As a photographer, I enjoy aesthetically pleasing design (well, duh) and presentation of, well, really anything. As a Mom to a 9-year-old boy, my house is in a constant state of disarray (I value our sanity and mental health more than I value keeping on him to clean up his toys.) The sink seems to always have dishes in it, our meals are usually pretty what I'll call "whole foods basic", and my style and makeup routine scream "Mom who isn't generally worried about people finding her attractive" - meaning, not really sloppy, but definitely not focused on trends and trying to still look 25. All this to say that my real life consists of limited "Pretty things."

But putting together these set-ups (while listening to 90's music), shopping for unique but relatable props, picking up beautiful food, and then seeing the final outcome using my love for shallow depth of field, has created a happy space I didn't know was missing.

What's something in your life that unexpectedly filled a gap that you didn't realize was there?

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